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The team is a system with all its interconnected parts.

Understand them, leverage them, and grow them to achieve high performance!

Embracing the perspective that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, we coach teams to increase performance while accentuating and leveraging individual and group strengths. Shared vision, trust, and collaboration, along with clear roles and responsibilities, are key elements in successful teams. Our coaching advances the team development process by identifying strong points, uncovering underlying conflicts, and generating agreement to enable the team to improve its dynamics and reach its goals

​Our work is based on extensive experience coaching teams in various organizations and functions, as well as formal research and models by experts including Richard Hackman, Jon Katzenbach, and David Sibbet, among others.

With a personal, engaging approach that incorporates hands-on action-learning and creates buy-in, we coach and facilitate teams to achieve tangible and transformative outcomes. Our coaching will help to:

  • Create an environment that fosters open dialog where all team members feel comfortable sharing new ideas, challenges, concerns, and suggestions.

  • Understand and leverage individuals’ strengths, talents, and personalities to advance the team as a whole.

  • Develop a clear vision that is compelling and understood by all team members.

  • Generate commitment to strategic actions and results.  

  • Build agreement on expected behaviors that enable the team to achieve its vision and goals.

  • Foster accountability by individuals within the team for their contributions to the team’s success.

  • Define clear roles and responsibilities, which will enable and enhance effective collaboration.

  • Continue to ensure team dynamics and relationships are founded on trust and loyalty towards each other.

  • Manage conflicts as opportunities for growth and healthy debate.

  • Incorporate review of processes continuously and proactively as a team to track progress, provide feedback to each other, and revise as needed.